
Monday, 14 April 2014

Ektomorf - Retribution - Salsa invasion

Retribution is the 9th Studio Album by the Hungarian Groove Metal band Ektomorf . I came to discover about this band when frontman  Zoltan accepted my request in facebook. I had loads of suggestions to add people as friend and he was one of the people whom I added because he was screaming with the guitar on in his profile picture to be honest. I followed all the updates about this record. As far I know they are touring currently. This is a good listen to make yourself some salsa with mosh in it.

The album starts with the extremely groovy one “You Can’t Control Me”, this song is a monstrous punching machine on your face with words. This one is absolutely for people who get controlled by others, I hope this song might inspire you and say them on face YOU CAN’T CONTROL ME. The song structure is so much friendly to ears that you can feel the groove from the first minute. After this monstrous start to the album “Ten Plagues” roll in and kind of reminded me of old Sepultura with Max in vocals. This one connected with me much with the drums as they sound so damn good and gives you all kind of feel just to jump around. Next is “Face Your Fear”, which is a song about facing your fear and the words makes some absolute sense. I loved the structure and the way the vocals is delivered from mood to mood and from the lower level to high that maintains the exact expression the band is expressing. “Escape”, some extremely groovy feel exist in this song. I bet you can dig this song before a fight to keep you motivated and sing along ESCAPE, I DON’T WANNA SEE YOUR FACE! And beat the shit out of everyone. “Who The Fuck You Are”, this one is my favorite. When the song rolls in with “YOU ARE A FUCK FACE” , you  know this is your song. You won’t mind screaming YOU ARE JUST A PIECE OF SHIT as well. This song actually reminds me of many assholes whom I want to beat up. Moving on with “Numb & Sick” , this one features Cristian of Ill Nino. This song absolutely combines the groovy atmosphere with the soft chorus from Cristian in a brilliant way. Sometimes in our life we can’t act, and all we can say “I KNOW YOUR FACE/YOU MAKE ME HATE YOU”. Fuck! This band is awesome.

I would say this is the second phase of the album that starts with “Lost & Destroyed”, the intro of the song really touched the core of my heart and the words absolutely hit me hard. It’s always amazing when you can relate with songs. The melodic part of the band is expressed in the song and they are good in it, followed by another brilliant song “Souls Of Fire”. After a bit of emotional connection the perfect song rolls in, “I Hate You”, again back to the grooving. “Watch Me”, “Mass Ignorance”, ”Save Me”, “Whisper” ; kept the torture on with some intense riffs and some bitter truth . When the last track rolled in, I had to check is it really the same band. An acoustic number bitches! “Collapsed Bridges”, this one is on replay mode for long time now. All I hear is “When you  left me, I could not cry/ Now am here in the other side/ I can fly with broken wings…..” . This song became so close to heart so quickly that already tears…... So much of pain and feeling is expressed in the song can be felt if you ever have loved someone with heart.

I finish off here; I think I should start writing short reviews now. I talk a lot. (sic) .

My rating -3.8/5 

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