
Saturday, 1 February 2014

Coprocephalic - Gluttonous Chunks - Review

Coprocephalic is a Brutal Slamming Death Metal based in Taiwan, Taipei according to their facebook page formed in 2012. "Gluttonous Chunks" is their debut album released in 2013. The album is a treat to your brain poured inside all fairy tales which suffocate you very often with the artwork almost raping your imagination off. Somehow I can smell the band as a supergroup as all the members been associated to some sick bands.

Straight from the intro "The Nemesis Uprising" the band successfully pulls you towards their instant curiosity of how the album going to treat the ears. "Severe Contamination" follows up quickly with aggressive vocals, tighten enough to set your mood into slam zone. The riffs are orgasmic and the rhythm that keeps on hitting your tempo set in brain along with the beats from drums is fair enough to raise your hand in the air and start chopping. The solos, before I could explain how I feel the next track "Gluttonous Chunks" rolls in, again those sick vocals with orgasmic riffs. Solos are short so as the songs but the way they fitted in the structure is completely insane. The constant guttural vocals licking your ear drum is what I feel while I am blasting it. 

"Inhuman Nerousis" is my favorite from the album which comes up next. It touches three minute as all the songs end up before they hit three minutes, simply stabbing your ears straight for that time. This song got some squeezing riffs in between which constantly pinch me. The riffs are so tasty, reminds me of eating chicken after 6 months.

"Injected with Violent Supremacy" is the longest track; slightly lesser then five minutes which is still a good vibe as your ears will bleed more happily. The riffs and blast beats are enough to blow your slam brain and completely explode the monster when you have such vocals always licking your ears.

Enough said, this 10 tracks album is a must dig for Death Metal/Slam lovers. The album holds some brutal tracks like "Pavement Of  A Thousand Torsos", "Scourging The Obese", which is my second favorite and its orgasmic I bet. The album wraps up with "Embryonal Coagulated Genesis" which is another sick track with riffs and melody combined in a brutal way like mixing chicken and beef together. The vocals are insane and kind of inspired me. The ending pulls off an imagination in me that locks me down in a room witha monster approaching towards me. I don’t know what’s going to happen but it ended badly yeah. RIP ME.

When you are done listening to it, you realize it was a 26 minutes album that almost killed you with powerful riffs by Peluso, aggressive vocals by Larry Wang, killer beats and insane bass lines. The riffs just keep on hitting you back and you can’t resist but just click the replay button. You can grab the record here. Currently the band is working on second full length titled "Throne Of Ooze". WHAT ? ALREADY ! Exciting :P YES !

My rating : 4.1/5 

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