May 26 , 1:30 PM
It all started from here, a shiny bright afternoon. I was busy doing nothing. And guess who arrived, our house owner. He was in a vengeance of announcing some rules. First few rules were literally out of our context of matching it. But the last rule, BACHELORS NOT ALLOWED injected my veins the pressure and pain of being homeless and the plan of
Ctrl Alt Dlt drain away from my schedule as I have to find a new place by 1st June.
June 1 , 10:30 AM
Yesterday, we went to a place to check out and it was good. I loved it. But early morning was informed the place is gone. So we had to go and check out another place. Abhimanyu called me up and asked about my surety and I was sure am not making it. But the place we checked was quiet amazing and we had no choice but take it. I was broke, left with 1200 bucks. So I thought I might have to pay that amount. But my new roommate was so kind he paid all the amount needed to book the place.
12:15 PM
I was happy that I have a chance to go to Ctrl Alt Dlt, no offense to any of the bands performing, I was dying only to catch Undying Inc as they are in my dream live list. So called up Abhimanyu , to check whether he left or what. So may be it was all written in the fortune, Abhimanyu was still there and he was with two other people planning to go. Now I added myself in the group and finally it was decided we are going to Ctrl Alt Dlt.
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
May be one of the longest bus ride I have encountered. When 5 PM was in the watch we were discussing about Reptilian Death, as they might have started playing. We decided to get down at Vashi. Catch a local train and go till Currey Road, as someone informed us Blue Frog is at walkable distance from there.
6:33 - 7:45 PM
We took a train to K**** (I forgot the name sorry) . From there we were supposed to take a train to Currey Road via slow Train and guess what ? Yes Bombay people; we took the fast train. So we had to take another train from B***** (I forgot) till Currey Road. After asking several strangers and with the help of my GPS (first time using) (Proud how my cheap smartphone functions) (Why XOLO is supporting Liverpool ? I am breaking it soon and buying Samsung) we reached the venue. We missed Reptilian Death ,GWE (Hoping to catch them soon) and also GUTSLIT ( Saw them four times).
8:15 PM ( I guess)
I lost track on my time, but yes when we entered Noiseware just began playing. Me and Vijit decided to join the pit and so we did. While I was busy in doing what I should do in the pit , Mr. Akash Watekar appeared from nowhere and we met after almost one year. We decided to go out and sadly left Noiseware's set ( I saw them live twice) but just when Need For Sleep began. I did sing along till I reached gate and discovered KXIP batting , IPL final OKAY. We went to a local bar. I was hungry, I didn't ate anything and Chicken 65 was my only meal of the day with some bitter liquid. I got high after drinking that. We rushed to catch Providence and entered when Pantera's cover was happening. After a short time of fun, we decided to go and burn some grass. I missed DEVOID as well ( Saw them Twice). But in that span of hour met some people, talked shitty stuffs, I don't know what I was talking about. Just before Undying Inc and when KKR needs 12 from 11 balls I guess. It was a mad experience. I couldn't believe in my ears the way the band was sounding. Delightfully this was one of the fun gig I ever went to and now I finally can add Undying Inc to my list. Next was Zygnema, well I am proud I remember the words of few songs and literally loved everything going on during the set. Stage dives were fun, and hope next time no one will hit the ground and I will jump as well. And Akash Watekar was missing but I found Abhimanyu back haha! I didn't discuss alot about the sets cause I don't want you to read about it for free LOL jokes apart, videos will be up soon I guess so why to torture my brain and write about the sets !
2nd June :1:30 AM -5:00 PM
I reached home at 5 AM. I managed to take a shower and drink only water and crash in my bed. I was hungry though. While returning with the cab, the driver slept in the middle like 5 times. It was close, we are lucky to be alive and now recovering from neck sore. Bombay people really mosh hard, next time I am going to be extra careful. My face got punched several times and I was disturbing my friends by asking them to see if my face is on normal position.
Present : June 3 / 12:45 PM
I would give 10 out of 10 anytime for this gig. But from being unsure and changing plans at last minute, I am happy finally to catch Undying Inc live. Cheers to Abhi, Vijit, Karan. Next up is Blizzard , June 14- Pune. Time to eat food, I am hungry. And fuck English grammar.